The Civitas Podcast
The Civitas Podcast, co-hosted by Peter Leithart and James Wood, exists to explore Christian political theology, with a specific focus on contemporary debates about liberalism and post-liberalism, and to elaborate a distinctively "ecclesiocentric" Theopolitan version of post-liberalism.
The Civitas Podcast
Episode 14: An Annotated Bibliography: Key Texts for Peter Leithart and James Wood
Peter Leithart and James Wood discuss key texts in their thinking through political theology.
0:00 - 10:00
James Wood on Leslie Newbigin
10:00 - 20:35
Peter Leithart on RJ Rushdoony
20:35 - 31:30
James Wood on William Cavanaugh
31:30 - 36:00
Peter Leithart on Stanley Hauerwas
"The church doesn't have a social ethic, it is a social ethic." - SH
36:00 - 44:00
James Wood on Oliver O'Donovan
44:00 - 52:30
Peter Leithart on John Milbank
52:30 - 59:40
James Wood on Henri de Lubac
Peter Leithart on DC Schindler